Warmup: 2 rounds 50 DU’S or 100 Single unders – 10 Hip and Back ext ( On GHD. If not enough room 20 Barbell or Banded Good Mornings) https://youtu.be/RDNIPcmP5vs 1x Burgener warm up ( empty barbell)
Gymnastic Skill: 10 Rounds For Quality- 1 wall walk + 5 sec wall facing handstand hold.( go at your own pace)
Scaled: 2 box feet elevated handstand push + 5 sec hold
Wod: 800M Row or Run or Bike
50 Power Snatch rx: (75/55) Scaled: (55/35)
800M Row/Run/Bike
20 single arm KB Deadlift each side(As Heavy as comfortable)
800M Row/Run/Bike
50burpee to target