Warm Up: 2 rounds 250M Row – (R/ARM) 10 step walk lunge w/DB in one hand – 10 Good Mornings – 5 pausing bird dogs ( 2 sec in full ext ) – (L/ARM) 10 step DB walk lunge.
Primer: 2 Rounds(building)
5 L/R DB Thruster + 50ft L/R DB OH Carry
Strength: Push Press – Every 2:30 for 10 mins 6 push press (4×6). try to increase weight to a heavy set of 6
WOD: Every 4MINS for 20Mins
RX: 20/15 cal row + Sled push 100Ft(heavy as possible)+ 7 Front squat (145/105)
Scale: 15/12 cal row +sled Push 100ft (heavy as possible) + 7 Front Squat(pick load)
Extra Credit: 3 rounds : 10 L/R DB ROW + 10 DB FLIES OR BENCH PRESS + :30 Weighted Hollow holds