Think quality and movement over intensity and numbers. You want your body to recover actively. Recovering from exercise is what makes the body stronger. Move well and keep intensity on the low to moderate side. Avoid going all out for this week.
Warm up: 2 rounds
250M Row+ 7 wall balls + 10 step bear hug walking lunge + 10 pass throughs + 10 OH squat ( pause 2 secs in the bottom)
For Quality: 3 Rounds
8 Chin ups + 5 L/R DB hang clean + jerk + OH lunge
Strength( Complex ): Every 1:30 For 7Min. 1 Power Clean+ 1 front squat + 1 push jerk + 1 cluster ( don’t go above 75% keep it moderate in weight to move fluently)
Wod: For Time
Rx: 10 power cleans (155/105)—(105/75)+ 50 air squats + 10 Front squats(155/105)—(105/75) + 50 air squats + 10 push jerk(155/105)—(105/75)+ 50 air squats
Extra credit: Bench press- 10-8-6-4 + Single leg KB Deadlift 4×8