round 1: run 400m round 2: row 500

10 banded walks +10 wall balls + 5 L/R KB Thruster

Tempo Front Squat: on the Minute for 10Min(65%-70% no more)

1 Pausing front squat( 2 seconds) + 1 and 1/4 squat

*squat to full depth, stand to about or just above parallel, return to full depth, then stand to full ext


MIN1: wallballs (20/14)- MIN2: Alt Db snatch (50/35)– MIN3: Calorie Row– MIN4: REST

Ex Credit:1 round

15 barbell hip thrusts + 50′ single arm OH DB Lunge walk + 15 barbell hip thrust + 75′ Single arm DB walk lunge + 15 barbell hip thrust