Warm up: 3 Min row
3 rounds of
10 push up shoulder taps
5 1-Arm thruster per side
20 DUs
Workout#1 EMOM 20
1 Pause Squat Clean(2 sec pause at the bottom)
Movement prep: 2 rounds
3 hang muscle cleans
3 Front Squats
3 High hang squat cleans
3 hang squat cleans
3 Split jerk
Coaches note: Start light on the emom, work up in weight each min. spend the first 10 mins building to a heavier weight. spend the last 10 mins doing the heavy weight you built up to. if form breaks down during workout, lower weight as necessary.
Workout#2 Open 18.2
RX: 10min cap Class:15min cap
DB Squat 50/35
Bar facing burpee ( meaning burpee over bar )
RPE 8-9: Very hard, 1 word answers or unable to speak.