Mobility: 2 rounds
10 prone dislocates
30s ankle mobility, per side (use kb)
5 squat + thoracic rotation per side
Warm up: 2 rounds
8 ring kip swings
8 L/R Lateral box step ups, 24/20
8 goblet squats, 53/35 or lower
20 double under/ 40 single
Workout #1: 5 rounds for time (20 MIN CAP)
5 Muscle ups
10 Alternating pistols
20 plate ground to overheard, 45lb or less
40 Double unders / 80 single unders
RPE 7: Short of breath, only speak short sentences
Coaches note: todays workout involves several highly skilled movements. so pick one to challenge yourself on, modify others and stay moving
Muscle ups: Transitions, 10 pull ups + 10 ring dips + or 10 ring rows + 10 tricep dips
Pistols: Hold onto rings or do lateral box step ups
Workout #2: skill 5 rounds for quaity
10 GHD sit ups
10 GHD back ext
GHD sit up: 20 abmat sit ups (weighted)
GHD back ext: 20 banded good mornings ( heavy band )