Warm up: 2 rounds
200m run
25 single unders
10 box steps, per side
5 yoga push ups
10 Handstand shoulder taps (5 per side)
Workout 1: AMRAP 20
150FT Farmers Carry, 70/53
50 Double Unders>>100 Singles
40ft DB Front Rack Walkin Lunge, 50/35
250M Row
40ft HS Walk>>> Heavy DB Bear crawl, 45/25
NOTE: this should be a flow style workout with goal of continuous movement for 20 mins. if you feel great and want to push the pace go ahead. if you are feeling beat up from the past two days. take a slow roll and use this as a recovery workout.
Workout 2: EMOM 12 (ALT)
L-Sit Hold, :30 >>> weighted hollow hold
Sled push, 75 ft >>> :30 of weighted box step ups
10 Bent over rows ( barbell or Dumbbell or Kettlebells)