Mobility 2 Rounds
5 Inchworms
2 Worlds Greatest per side
20s Supinated Hang
Warm-up 3 Rounds:
150m Row
7 Thruster 45/35
5 Pullups
Workout #1: “Jackie”
Row 1K
50 Thrusters, #45/35
30 Pull Ups
RPE 9: very hard, 1 word answers or unable to speak Intent: This is your benchmark workout for the week. . The prescribed weights are 45/35# (empty bar) for the thruster – do not go heavier than this. Think about how you set up your stations to minimize transition time as well. Pull ups can be modified with a band, ring rows, or jumping pull ups. Have fun!
Workout #2: Emom 14 ( every 2 min )
Shoulder Press Shoulder Press 7×2 at 80% of 1RM. One set every 2 min.
Intent: maintain rather than build our strength. The goal is to stay fresh for the week’s benchmark workout. Aim to complete the lifting reps with the best possible technique and a fast bar speed.