Warm-up 3 Rounds of: :45 sec on/:15 sec Rest
Double Unders
Med Ball Cleans
Plank Hold
Workout:40 Minute Flow AMRAP
400m Run
12 Wall Balls
24 Alternating Walking Lunges, 35/20
400m Run
12 Overhead Squats, 75/55
24 Double Unders
400m Run
12 Toes to Bar
24 Russian Kettlebell Swings,53/35
RPE 5: Able to sustain pace for 20+ minutes
Intent: This is a “”flow”” style AMRAP. The goal should be to keep moving at a steady recovery pace. Use just an empty barbell for the overhead squats, modify double unders with 12 attempts, modify toes to bar with knees to elbow or kip swings. Use a light kettlebell for the swings so that you can complete all 24 easily unbroken.
Cool Down
10 Eccentric Calf Raise per side
60s Couch Stretch per side
60s Downdog
10 Prone Press Ups