Warm-up 2 Rounds of
10 Prone Dislocates
10 Hollow Hold with Shoulder Flexion
5 Candlestick Roll
10 Ring Kip Swings
15 Minutes Muscle Up Practice
Intent: Use this time to work on whatever muscle up or bar muscle up drills you would like. Try a NEW drill that you haven’t experimented with yet. If it helps, you can create a structure for yourself such as doing the drill on the minute or every :30, or choose a couple of different drills to work on in this time.
20 Minute AMRAP:
100m Farmer’s Carry
200m Sled Drag
Intent: This should be a 20 minute steady grind. Carry 2 heavy dumbbells or kettlebells 50m out and 50m back. Then drag your sled 100m out and back. If you don’t have a sled, you can sub in ~2:00 of weighted box step ups.
Cool Down
5 min Bike @ recovery pace
60s couch stretch
60s pigeon stretch
60s pic shoulder stretch ( elbows on bench )
60s Tspine Stretch, per side