Context: Practice – How negatives (eccentric) movements affect hypertrophy

Dynamic Warm: 3 sets of

8 Single Leg Deadlift each leg,
8 Goblet Squats,
8 Single Arm Bent Over Rows,
8 Single Arm Shoulder Press

Skill Practice Warm Up:

Ring Outs 3×5
Rest as needed between sets.

Spend 6 minutes performing 3 sets of 5 ‘Ring Outs’ with a 3 sec pause at full extension (think ab wheel with the rings). Keep the feet on the floor and adjust the ring height and foot position to make these ‘doable’.

Strength Superset
6×4 Deadlift @75%-85% (same weight across all sets)
6×6 Strict press ( 6 challenging sets )

Metabolic Conditioning: “Gimme All Your Lovin”

AMRAP 8 mins of:
2 Kipping Pull-ups
2 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Reverse Lunges, 45/30 lbs
4 Kipping Pull-ups
4 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Reverse Lunges, 45/30 lbs
6 Kipping Pull-ups
6 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Reverse Lunges, 45/30 lbs …

*Continue adding 2 reps each round to each movement until time expires.

Kipping Pull-Up (Health: Ring Row)
Single Arm OH DB Reverse Lunge -L+R= 1 Rep, switch arms as desired- (Health: 15lb, Athletic*: 30lb, Performance: 45lb)

 Cash Out: 3 rounds for max reps of:

Side Plank, 1 min
max rep Dumbbell Thrusters, 1 min