Context: Practice – Break up the larger sets before your form breaks down

Dynamic Warm Up :

3 sets of
5 Push-Ups,
5 Air Squats,
5 Deadbug extensions (each side),
5 Spiderman Lunges (each side).

Then 5,4,3,2,1 with an empty bar:
Straight Leg Deadlift,
Hang Muscle Clean,
Shoulder Press,
Front Squat

Skill Practice:

Double Under 4 x 30 secs / 30 secs

*30 secs of work followed by 30 secs of rest for 4 intervals. Score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

Strength Super Set:

Deadlifts 9×1 @75%
Strict HSPU 9×3

*rest as needed, use same weight across all sets

MetCon: “Prisyadka” 3 rounds for time of:

30 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs, 10/9 ft
30 Medicine Ball Russian Twists, 20/14 lbs

-Wall Balls (Health: 8ft/10lb, Athletic: 9ft/14lbs*, Performance: 10ft/20lb) or -Thrusters with a single DB held in both hands (15lb, 30lb*, 45lb)
-Russian Twist with Wall Ball (same) Each side count as 1

Optional Cash Out: 3 rounds for time of:

Farmer Carry, pick load, 100 m
Run, 400 m