Context: Competition – ‘Team’ up with 2-3 other people and see which team gets the most meters.
Dynamic Warm Up:
2 min Jump Rope or 400m Jog,
then 3 sets of
10 KB Swings,
10 kb Overhead/Front Squats,
100′ Suitcase Carry,
10 Push-Ups with shoulder tap
Skill : Core
Hollow Rock: 4 x 30 secs / 30 secs 30 secs of work
followed by 30 secs of rest for 4 intervals.
Score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals
MetCon: Evasion 2.0 “partner wod”
AMRAP 25 mins of:
Double Under
Airdyne Bike
Split as desired. Log 1 rep for every 1 m for the Row, Run and Airdyne.
Cover as much distance as possible in 25 minutes: Row, Run, DU, Airdyne split as desired.
-Minimum 1500m Row Minimum 1200m Run req. (400m = 20 high knees (10 per leg), 40 Single unders, 2 rounds)
-Minimum 200 Double Unders (Each DU counts as 3 meters for scoring purposes) Airdynes/Bike/Ski ergs included!
Max: 4,800m on Assault/Airdyne (3 miles)