Context: Practice – New strength focus starting. Keep it ‘light’ and work on technique!
Dynamic Warm Up:
2 min Jump Rope,
then 3 rounds of
5 Strict Burpees,
10 KB Swings,
5 per side KB Halos,
5 Boot Strappers.
Then 5,4,3,2,1 with the empty bar:
Snatch Grip Deadlift, /
high Hang Power Snatch,
Low Hang Squat Snatch,
Overhead Squat.
Strength: Power Snatch or Squat Snatch
6×3(60%-70%) use same weight for all sets
MetCon: AMRAP 7
4 Power Cleans, 155/105 lbs
8 Deadlifts, 155/105 lbs
50FT sled push sprint (HAP)
Power Clean Heavy (Health: 65lb, Athletic*: 105lb, Performance: 155lb) or 8 with DBs (15lb, 35lb*, 50lb)
Cash out: 3 rounds
15 Strict Ring Dips
12 L/12 R Single Leg Deadlifts, pick load