
Context: Competition – ‘Team’ up with 2-3 other people and see which team gets the most meters. Dynamic Warm Up: 2 min Jump Rope or 400m Jog, then 3 sets of 10 KB Swings, 10 kb Overhead/Front Squats, 100′ Suitcase Carry, 10 Push-Ups with shoulder tap Skill :...


Context: Practice – Proper bracing and breathing during Deadlifts Dynamic Warm Up : Coaches Choice Skill: Spend 8 mins practicing muscle up progressions and muscle ups on rings Strength Super Set: 11×1 Deadlift @90-95%11X4 STRICT HSPU*rest as needed Metcon:...


Context: Practice – If you want to do advanced things (like HS Walks), you need to learn how to do them safely/correctly OUTSIDE of the metcons Dynamic Warm Up: 200m Run or 1 min of Scissor Jumps. Then 2-4 sets of 10 Push-Ups with shoulder tap, 10 Squat Jumps, 10 High...


Context: Competition – Try to set a PR on the metcon! Have a plan and stick to it. Dynamic Warm Up: 3 sets of 50 Single Unders or 30 Double Unders, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Sit-Ups, 10 Ring Rows. Then 3 sets of 5 with the empty bar: Jefferson Curl, Hang Muscle Clean, Front...


Context: Practice – Go slow and make sure you hit full ROM on every movement Dynamic Warm Up : 3 rounds of: 5 PVC Pass Throughs, 5 PVC OHS, 5 monkey or Kip Swings. Then 3 sets of 5 with an empty barbell: Goodmornings, Back Squat, Behind the Neck Presses Snatch Width,...