
Context: Mental Toughness – Push hard on each cycle. Don’t save anything for the later cycles and test your limits. Dynamic Warm Up: Novo KB Warm Up Flow, 2 rounds: 16 Single Arm Single Leg Deadlift (8L/8R), 12 kb Floor Press with Sit-Up (6L/6R), 8 Goblet Squats, 12...


Context: Practice – Breathing during larger sets of Squats. Dynamic Warm : 3 rounds 20m Farmer Carry, 10 Ring Rows, 10 Reverse Lunges (5R/5L), 10 Hollow Rocks, 10 Goblet Squats Weighted Strict Pull-up 5×1 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as...


Context: Competition – Go head to head with someone else in class! Dynamic Warm Up : 3 rounds of: 5 PVC Pass Throughs, 5 PVC OHS, 5 Kip Swings. Then 3 sets of 5 with an empty Barbell: Goodmornings, Back Squat, Behind the Neck Presses Snatch Width, Heaving Snatch...


Context: Practice – The differences between American Swings and Russian Swings. Dynamic Warm Up : 2 min Jump Rope, then 3 rounds of 20m Single Arm OH Carry (each arm), 10 Ring Rows, 10 Push-Ups, 10 Side Lunges, 10 Hollow Rocks, 3 Inch Worms Power Snatch 6×3 Use...


Context: Practice – New strength focus starting. Keep it ‘light’ and work on technique! Dynamic Warm Up: 2 min Jump Rope, then 3 rounds of 5 Strict Burpees, 10 KB Swings, 5 per side KB Halos, 5 Boot Strappers. Then 5,4,3,2,1 with the empty bar: Snatch Grip Deadlift,...


Context: Competition – ‘Team’ up with 2-3 other people and see which team gets the most meters. Dynamic Warm Up: 2 min Jump Rope or 400m Jog, then 3 sets of 10 KB Swings, 10 kb Overhead/Front Squats, 100′ Suitcase Carry, 10 Push-Ups with shoulder tap Skill :...